The baby who said "ok" on her ultrasound

A few days ago I showed you an ultrasound in which a baby made the "victory" sign with her fingers. Following this post, Ismael, a blog reader, told us that in the ultrasound performed on his future son, now a couple of weeks ago, He told them "everything is ok".

Gonzalo, which is what the boy will be called, decided to send his parents, in this ultrasound scan made on the 31st week of gestation, a message of tranquility in plan "everything is fine here", "don't worry about me, I'm of fable "or" all good, commander ".

Thanks to Ismael and Macarena, Gonzalo's parents, for sending us this curious ultrasound. It is clear that with 4D ultrasound gestures can be captured as curious as other media would have gone unnoticed.

I leave another image of Gonzalo, so you can see his face:

Video: Kids Say the Darndest Things 26. Kids Say Best Of! (July 2024).