Dads and moms blogs: weekly review

Like every Tuesday, we bring you a review with the best we have been able to read these days in some of the blogs written by dads and moms.

We start with a text written by Carlos González about letting babies cry, more than interesting and full of common sense, which Ale has echoed in his blog Four in bed.

In Four in family They have made beautiful crafts with dinosaurs involved, getting magnificent fossils of the extinct animals, which you can see in the image that heads this entry. Personally I join the Dinosaurs Project. In Mimes and Tit We have been able to read a very interesting text by Michel Odent in which the obstetrician relates the way of being born with the development of our capacity to love. Disturbing and revealing, no doubt.

In The alternative blog We have known the recent publication of a free book that looks very good: "He will paint the suns of his path". I have already downloaded it.

In Learning from Adrián Yasmin offers us an entry on the punishments that could complement the one we already published in Babies and more (Punishment is an uneducated method) explaining Why No to punishments.

Finally, in We have boobs, Ileana has written an interesting entry from which you can extract a lot of juice, entitled "Aging with attachment: psychoanalysis, feminism and neurobiology."

If you're a dad or mom with a blog where you talk about your children or young children or motherhood, we invite you to share it with us through the comments to take it into account in future summaries.