Stories of mothers: "It has been a hard road at the beginning, but full of happiness, satisfaction and good times"

Every day, we publish one of the Stories of Mothers that you send to our email. Through them and the precious experiences they tell, we want to honor the mothers in this month of May, in which Mother's Day is celebrated in most countries of the world.

Today's story is a hard but exciting experience with a happy ending that Clara and her little Rafa have lived with breastfeeding

Rafa was born early, five weeks is not much, but his lungs were not prepared to breathe. He was admitted to newborns. Two days later he was admitted to the ICU of premature infants. Many new words, I did not understand, I was afraid to ask why I did not understand the answers. The doctors did everything, I couldn't even hold him in my arms, just caress him through a small window. We learned to understand doctors, we interpreted every word, every gesture, every look. I could only do one thing for Rafa: keep the milk for when the tubes were removed. I used to drink milk day and night. Every two hours, every three, every half. - On demand - I said. - On demand who? - said others. - From my. The urgency and the need I have to do it when it gets good. - What you have to do is rest. - (And what you have to do is leave me alone) - I should have answered this, but I didn't. The day came when Rafa left the hospital and I didn't have much milk left, we got him to get hooked after three weeks of trying. From there to breastfeeding without supplements we traveled almost two months of tears and laughter. The tears of wanting to take a tit and not knowing, the laughter of getting it, tears again because he forgot and had to start over, and again laughter and quiet dreams when he suckled. Two and a half months later, Rafa spent his first 24 hours without supplements, without bottles of formula milk, without tears, without breast pumps. From that day I say "Only tit" who wants to listen to me (and who does not want too). Now Rafa is ten months old, he is a healthy and happy child. It has been a hard road at the beginning, but full of happiness, satisfaction and good times.

We hope that Clara and Rafa's experience with breastfeeding Serve for other mothers who decide to breastfeed and may find themselves in similar situations. The path may be bumpy but when there is desire and perseverance at the end of the road expect a reward.

We remind all mothers who want to share their experiences that you can send your story between 5 and 8 paragraphs along with one or two photos (min. 500 px wide) in which you go out with your son or children to stories of parents @ bebesymas. com .

Video: Single Mom (July 2024).