Baby cries when clothes are removed

It happened to me with my two younger daughters and is very common in newborn babies. Many babies feel uncomfortable and they cry when their clothes are taken off.

When it comes to changing it or taking off his clothes to bathe it, the baby becomes tense and nervous until he breaks into tears when the last garment that maintains contact with his skin is removed.

Some parents believe that it is due to their lack of expertise to undress him, but although the ability and gentle movements help the baby cope better with that moment, many children cry because they feel unprotected, vulnerable.

It has nothing to do with it being cold in the room. Although the ambient temperature is high, the baby misses the contact of the clothes with his skin.

In cultures where babies go with a bare torso, this does not usually happen, but in our culture, where we have been covered by clothes since we were born, when we take the child clothes that cover his skin, it feels strange.

You may not accept massages or pampering. It is even possible that during the first baths he is crying and not enjoying them. He does not like the feeling of having the skin exposed to the air, but he can calm the anxiety he produces by covering his gut and chest with a towel or a rough garment.

When you change it, always have the molt ready so that the baby remains without clothes as little as possible. To transfer it from the changing table to the bathtub, and vice versa, always do it by covering the body with a towel. Once he is dressed again he will stop crying.

Later, around eight or nine months at the stage in which they begin to discover their own body, instead of crying when they see themselves without clothes, the baby will touch his bare torso with his hands and rub the gut feeling his own skin . You will begin to enjoy the feeling of freedom by being naked.