Rinse children's hair

As a child I remember a partner who, very blond as a child, began to grow and get her hair darker and darker, until, suddenly, the trend seemed to change and every time she had more than blond, yellow. Something was put in his hair to keep him fairly blond. Rinse children's hair It always seemed strange to me, especially when using products with which we can then see the roots of another color.

A few days ago we told you the chilling story of that mother who was shaving her baby's eyebrows to make her look prettier for those dreadful “childish” beauty contests where girls look like miniature women and dress and behave as such.

Now I have discovered that it was not an isolated case and I know several children who have curiously yellow and clearly artificial hair. Parents generally refuse to use any product and those who admit it, confess that they do so that the child is more handsome. The truth is I do not understand. I see that clearly fake straw hair ugly, rather than the hair, which means changing the look of a child.

There is various products and natural recipes that promise to keep the blond in children to those who, over the years, naturally darken. Although I use hair dye, it wouldn't occur to me to change the color of my son's hair. I don't think he would do it even if he asked me, no matter how much he respected his wishes.

The image of each one is an important part, externally expressing what we are, but turning the physical aspect into a crucial aspect of the personality, rejecting what is natural to us, I see it as an uneducational game. Rather, I think we have to help our children accept themselves as they are, without requiring, and less so in childhood, external help to look more handsome.

And although being ugly is not bad either, beauty is something very relative and it depends above all on the way we act and feel confident in ourselves. And much less is being brown, red or blond. We are not more handsome because we have light hair, nor do we need to keep it that way to be ourselves. But if we do, always better with 100% natural products, such as chamomile infusion.

Perhaps it is a personal contradiction, but I do not believe that we project a suitable message to the child if we clarify their natural hair if we like more blond or if the environment appreciates more golden hair. What do you think about lighten children's hair?