The video of the baby who is not afraid of lions

The video of the moment on YouTube is that of this baby who is not afraid of lions, since it has achieved in a few days more than three million visits and the appearance in numerous media.

The protagonist is 13 months old, his name is Jack, and he does not flinch at the continuous onslaught of a lion in the Portland Zoo (United States) that opens his jaw behind the glass next to his head and attacks him with powerful blows.

For me, no matter how much armored glass there is, I am impressed to see these images, I do not think I would have been able to put my baby in that situation, nor because of "raging" the tiger in question, that I should think that the baby is a zebra calf (notice the black and white striped sweatshirt).

The feline protagonist is Kya, one of the laziest lionesses in the zoo (no one would say watching her sails), who has also starred in other videos in this same scenario. The breadth of the armored glass in the Portland Zoo encourages many people to put themselves as "bait" for animals, or put their children in such a position.


Laugh at them or with them? The controversy is served again with the most famous baby video of the moment, the one who doesn't fear lions.

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Video: Hyenas are not afraid of any Lions! Huge Mistake Of Hyenas When Provoke Lions (June 2024).