Stress in pregnancy can cause iron deficiency in the baby

Although not yet born, the baby in gestation is affected by circumstances that stress the future mother.

We already know that stress in pregnancy affects different aspects of the baby's health. One of them, according to a recent study, is that stress in pregnancy can cause iron deficiency in the baby.

Iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin in the red cells of the maternal and fetal blood, a protein responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body's cells.

A deficiency of this mineral can expose the baby to risk of delayed physical and psychological development, since It is key in the development of fetal organs, especially of the brain.

The study we are talking about has been carried out by scientists from the Ashkelon Academic College (Israel). Israeli women participated in the first quarter who witnessed more than 600 bombings in the area where they lived and women who gave birth three or four months after the bombings.

The umbilical cord blood test revealed that children whose mothers suffered stress had much lower iron rates than babies born in the other group.

Probably, many pregnant women are not exposed to bombardment, but stress can affect in many ways.

The study shows that maternal stress should be considered as important as feeding and pregnancy habits, since it is capable of cause iron deficiency in the baby and seriously affect your health.

Video: Iron Tablets. How To Take Iron Tablets. How To Reduce Iron Supplement Side Effects 2018 (July 2024).