"Living better by controlling asthma": a guide for asthmatic patients

On the website of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Pulmonology (SENP) we find a interesting guide for asthma patients that we can consult or download to have all the information about this respiratory disease.

The guide is edited by the Balearic Asthma Association, and is the result of a collective work of health professionals, the Balearic Asthma Association and the Asthma and Education Group of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Pulmonology. It aims at a new doctor-patient relationship and foster a better quality of life for the asthmatic child.

It is a fairly complete and clarifying guide, which helps to understand and manage asthma and covers various aspects, from the functioning of the respiratory system to an asthma action plan.

The authors of the guide consider that the therapeutic education of the patient and the family is an essential instrument that will help patients acquire knowledge and skills useful in the management of their disease, contributing to develop their autonomy and reducing the anxiety that triggers .

From the same website they remind us that asthma is the most frequent disease in childhood, since it currently affects 10% of children between the ages of 5 and 12 and is the first reason for school absence and one of The main causes of hospitalization of children.

I hope this guide, 88 pages long and bears the title of "Live better controlling asthma. Guide for patients and their environment" be useful to many of our readers.

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