Classrooms in Sweden, far from traditional schools

Every time I like the design of the Swedish classrooms, far from the rigid and structured classrooms that we are used to seeing. The classrooms in Sweden they are more and more away from traditional schools.

The pedagogical line is much more open and participatory and that also translates into the flexible design of the environments in which children learn, share and enjoy.

If we think of a school, the desks lined up one behind the other come to mind with chairs in which the child spends sitting most of the day.

Instead, the classrooms in Sweden they are spaces in which the child can move freely and choose the right place at all times to build their learning and give free rein to their creativity.

The spaces play with colors, have flexible and functional structures where to study, research, create or have access to new technologies.

Of course, after seeing the chasm that separates us from Swedish schoolsI believe that traditional classrooms need an update that makes the educational experience more flexible, even if it is minimal.

Video: euronews learning world - Building the schools of tomorrow (June 2024).