Delicious recipes with nuts to take care of the heart of the whole family

The Spanish Heart Foundation drives every year the campaign called 'Menus with Heart', which for 2012 is focusing on the cardiovascular disease prevention among women and children. Apparently in these groups the risk is underestimated, and that despite the fact that cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death among women in the world and in Spain.

It is intended to emphasize healthy eating and physical exercise, in a campaign organized jointly with California Nuts. The protagonists? Obviously they are nuts, but also the renowned chefs who have prepared appetizing recipes that our palate likes and takes care of our hearts. They are Adolfo Muñoz, Enrique Medina, José Carlos García, Álvaro Garrido and Ada Parellada: their recipes can be consulted at the Spanish Heart Foundation, and also in Nueces de California. Cream of nuts with mandarin gratin, or beluga lentils with nuts and prawns are just some of the proposals.

Nuts are the dried fruit that best cares for our heart, thanks to its unique composition of essential nutrients. It is the only dried fruit with a significant amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce the risk factors for heart disease, including high levels of bad cholesterol and blood sugar.

It is estimated that, in 2015, about 20 million people will die from cardiovascular disease, especially from heart disease and stroke, and are expected to remain the leading cause of death over the next decades

Prevention is more cost effective than treatment

Children are also vulnerable: the risk of cardiovascular diseases can begin before birth, during fetal development, and further increase during childhood with exposure to unhealthy diets, lack of exercise and passive smoking. Being overweight or obese are risk factors and a growing problem among children.

There is no doubt that it is in our hands prevent food from the whole family from becoming a risk factor for the development of this type of diseases. And the recipes of this campaign come to help us and give us ideas, in addition to bringing us the taste for rich and healthy food at the same time.

Images | Lablascovegmenu, California Nuts More information | Spanish Heart Foundation, California Nuts In Peques and More | Snack time: a handful of nuts, It is time to adopt a heart-healthy life to take care of our hearts. Is it convenient to use omega-3 supplements in children?

Video: Quick, Easy & Healthy Recipes for Your Family (July 2024).