Online workshop of family games

I recommend today a online family games workshop. Monica San Martin, director of High Demand Parenting this time presents a great online course, called "Family Games", intended for children between 1 and 6 years, which will open its doors on September 4.

In this course you receive for twelve weeks in your email a lot of activities to accompany your child in their learning process and all this in the way preferred by children, that is, playing.

The course is structured to stimulate in the game the different areas of development, taking into account the sensitive periods that each child goes through, and without losing sight of other important aspects such as concentration and relaxation.

To obtain all the information you have to visit the High Demand Parenting page and this Tuesday, September 3 at 7:00 pm, a videoconference is offered in which Monica will explain all the details of the course in which you have to register previously.

In addition, almost all the materials necessary to carry out the activities are usual materials in most of the houses, which will be a great advantage that will facilitate parents planning what they propose in this online family games workshop.

Video: Dynamic Team-Building Exercise for Small Groups - Paper Holding (July 2024).