The parents of some triplets paint their nails of different color to differentiate them

What would you do if you had three identical girls and you were not able to distinguish them? That is what surely the parents of these three girls have wondered on more than one occasion, who were not yet able to distinguish what each girl was.

Among all the possible solutions, and removing those that have to do with clothing, since you have to know which is which even when they are naked in the bathroom, they chose a very curious: they decided paint the nails of different color and, since then, they are clear at all times which is which.

The girls are called Ffion, who wears fuchsia enamel, Maddison, who wears it mint green and Paige, purple.

The mother, Karen, 33, has explained, and so they tell us in Mirror, that they really had problems to differentiate them and that, to solve them, they have put enamel of each color, coinciding the first letter of the color with the first letter of the name of each girl (Ffion-Fuschia, Maddison-Mint green and Paige-Purple).

In this way it is not only the parents who have no problem speaking to each one using their name, but also the rest of the family.

The triplets were conceived naturally and were born prematurely, in an emergency caesarean section. Maddison was the heaviest, the other two being smaller. But time has passed and now they are practically the same, helping the confusion.

A few days ago they celebrated their first birthday and the father has already explained that he is waiting for each girl to develop individual looks or gestures, or even character traits that help them know which is which.

See if they are similar, that the three girls have already appeared in the Casualty series, playing only one baby. Being three, prevent a single baby from getting too tired during filming.

Returning to the topic of nails, I find a curious and friendly method. I have looked at the photos to see if they were wearing earrings, because it is another possible solution, but it gives me the feeling that they do not wear, so I personally cannot think of a better method than the one they have chosen. And you?

Via and Photo | Mirror
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