Madrid Zoo Aquarium will celebrate Halloween with a feast of wild pumpkins

Zoo Aquarium in Madrid is preparing to live a fun Halloween party. On October 31, 2014, the children from 4 to 14 years old to participate in the special workshop Caregiver for a day you will get to know the fiercest and most amazing mammals of the five continents, helping prepare pumpkins full of surprises with some of his favorite treats. A day in which they will not only know their eating habits but also the customs of their kind.

The animals that children and caregivers can see are tigers (beautiful in the picture), elephants, Brown bears, giant otters and even reptiles Y spiders to those who will offer a surprise breakfast. The most anticipated moment will be at 11 in the morning when the wild pumpkins Buba, the little Asian elephant; Dora and Falcao, the pair of Bengal tigers; to the family of brown bears or the funny giant otters, Madidi, Felipe, Verano and Apalai, among others. The morning will be full of surprises and a lot of animal mystery that will end at four in the afternoon with a presentation of the funniest images of the day caught in spider webs.

There will also be mystery in the bird exhibits because during October 31 and November 1 and 2, the aviary of Zoo Aquarium of Madrid will become a improvised holy field, where raptors and exotic birds will fly over the public with spectacular movements during the special exhibitions that will be offered to the public. From the Madrid Zoo they explain that bird exhibits on Halloween can be modified so it is better to check the Zoo page.

Madrid Zoo Aquarium will reward the halloween spirit with 30% discounts at the entrance to all children from 3 to 7 years old who come in disguise to the park, on October 31.

The workshop caregiver for Halloween October 31, 2014 is for children between 4 and 14 years old from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It has a price of 46 euros per person and includes admission, activities and food. There are also buses and optional nursery.

Video: Jawsome! Sharks get in festive spirit in Madrid Zoo Aquarium (July 2024).