How to prevent back pain during pregnancy?

It is one of the most frequent discomforts that pregnant women suffer, especially in the final stage of pregnancy and although sometimes it is not possible to avoid it, we can do something about it. Here we leave you ways to prevent back pain during pregnancy.

Some tips that will also help you in the event that you suffer from such an unpleasant discomfort. Back pain during pregnancy is the result of several causes, mainly the new balance that our body has to look for with the increase of the abdomen and the curvature of the spine.

The joints of the pelvis relax to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal and this also contributes to a new body balance. To compensate for this imbalance, the future mother tends to throw her shoulders back and arch her neck, or throw her belly forward if she is standing. In short, the back muscles are in tension and pain arises. But, How to prevent or minimize back pain during pregnancy?

Tips to prevent back pain during pregnancy

  • Do not gain more weight than recommended, since the more weight, the more load the back must support.

  • Start the pregnancy with good abdominal muscles, with exercises that you can continue during pregnancy (as long as the specialist does not contraindicate it).

  • Maintain a good posture during pregnancy that will help you not only prevent lower back pain but also other discomforts.

  • One of the keys is to learn how to lift the loads properly, without sudden movements, first stabilizing the body and with the legs slightly apart, bending knees and not the waist to thus stand up making strength with the legs (and arms with the load) instead of doing more back work.

  • You can swing the pelvis with exercises to align the body. The pelvic swing is performed standing up, with your back straight, moving the pelvis back and forth while keeping your back in position.

  • Do not wear high-heeled shoes or that do not offer adequate support, since this type of footwear hinders the stability of the body and adds tension to the legs and back.

  • Do not stand too long and if necessary, change your position. You can use a small stool to alternately rest the weight on each foot.

  • The way of sitting is also important, since in that position a lot of tension is exerted on the spine. In addition, we do not realize and can spend hours sitting, so we must try to adopt the correct position. This is with the back well supported and straight, preferably with arms to support them (and help us to get up) and a firm cushion. Try to have your legs slightly elevated if you are going to spend a lot of time sitting.

  • Try to avoid the latter, that is, do not sit too long. You have to change position and get up to stretch and walk a little every half hour.

  • Avoid backless seats, benches, high stools ... and also low seats because of the difficulties they will offer you when you get up.

  • Try not to cross your legs during pregnancy for a long time and be that posture if you have circulation problems: In addition to aggravating circulatory problems, crossing the legs can also affect the back because the pelvis scales forward.

  • Avoid mattresses that are too soft or too hard. They must be firm enough for the back to rest and remember that it is better to sleep on the left side. Help yourself with cushions to find the best posture.

  • When you get out of bed, do it by approaching the edge of the bed and swinging your legs until you reach the floor. Use your arms to get up and sit on the edge of the bed before getting up.

  • Avoid abrupt stretching of the body, for example to reach a high place with your arms.

  • Make light controlled stretching on your exercise chart during pregnancy (back, arms, legs, neck and head ...). In this sense, exercises such as yoga or pilates are indicated.

  • Swimming during pregnancy also includes among its many benefits the prevention of back pain, since in the water the spine and joints are distended and the weight is relieved more during pregnancy, avoiding muscle overload.

  • Keep stress at bay and practice relaxation exercises. Anxiety causes the body to tense and the muscles suffer, especially those in the back area.

  • If muscle pain makes its appearance, you can alternate cold and heat to temporarily relieve it. Consult the doctor to recommend other ways to mitigate the discomfort if they do not disappear or become accentuated (use of a girdle ...).

Most of these ways to prevent backaches in pregnancy They are small gestures that will not cost us too much and in return the benefits are many. And remember, if despite following these tips you have backaches, do not forget to consult the doctor.

Photos | Thinkstock
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Video: 5 Easy Exercises To Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy (June 2024).