General tips on eating habits during pregnancy

If you are looking for a baby or are already pregnant, there are some important questions you need to know about eating habits. And we don't talk about the myth of eating for two, no. But other issues such as nausea, foods to avoid or digestive discomfort are the order of the day. These are the general advice on eating habits during pregnancy.

Recommendations to prevent or alleviate the most frequent digestive discomforts in pregnancy, which usually affect women at some time or another during pregnancy and that are good for a healthier stage.

General recommendations

  • Eat in a quiet environment.
  • Use simple cooking forms, which facilitate digestion: steam, iron, sauteed and boiled.
  • Cook food of animal origin well (meat, eggs and fish) to avoid food poisoning such as toxoplasmosis or those caused by Salmonella, Campylobacter and E. coli.
  • Water (between five and eight glasses a day) should be the main drink.
  • Use salt moderately (do not increase your consumption), preferably iodized.
  • It is advised to take vegetable oils, preferably olive oil.
  • Avoid large fish, such as tuna, swordfish and dogfish because of the risk of containing mercury.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables well before eating.

Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy

Nausea in pregnancy is one of the most frequent discomforts, what can I do to mitigate them?

  • Eat frequently and not much.
  • In case of nausea upon waking, take a toast or a cookie before joining.
  • Choose dry and spicy foods.
  • Avoid fatty foods.
  • Avoid irritating foods: coffee, chocolate, alcohol, spicy species, vinegar and acidic fruits.
  • Avoid very hot food.
  • Drink between meals and not during the main meals. Avoid drinking water on an empty stomach.
  • Do not go to bed immediately after meals.

Burning in pregnancy

Heartburn in pregnancy usually increases in the third trimester, let's see how to fight it:

  • Eat frequently and not much.
  • Eat slowly and chew well.
  • Avoid heavy or fatty foods.
  • Drink preferably between hours and in small quantities in the main meals.
  • Avoid foods that generate greater acidity: tea, coffee, alcohol, mint, soda with gas.
  • Do not go to bed right after eating.

Prevent constipation

Another common discomfort is constipation during pregnancy. How to prevent it?

  • Drink two liters a day or more.
  • Take fruits and vegetables daily for their fiber content.
  • Take legumes and nuts about three or four times a week.
  • Go for a walk whenever possible.
  • Do not take laxatives except by medical recommendation.

After delivery, some of these discomforts may lengthen (such as constipation), so remember to follow the advice when the baby is already born. In addition, with breastfeeding the diet must be varied and healthy, so most of these general advice on eating habits in pregnancy You will do very well.

Video: Eating well in your first trimester (July 2024).