DecoSweet, beautiful cloth accessories for your baby

I want to show you a signature of beautiful cloth accessories for your baby That has me in love. Is called DecoSweet and it is a company located in Barcelona created by two young entrepreneurs, who for a year have been dedicated to the preparation and design of items for the newborn and decoration of the baby's room.

All products are handmade with natural fabrics like cotton, linen and bamboo, to offer all the softness your baby deserves.

One of the peculiarities that characterizes DecoSweetIn addition to their beautiful designs, they have a great variety of prints imported from Japan and the USA, which allows us the possibility of choosing the one we like the most from a wide selection.

We can find in your online store baby bags, organizers, pram bag, briefcase, mini-towels, pacifier bag and decorative objects to give a special touch to the children's room.

It has enchanted me. It seems all ideal to give a nice gift to a newborn. Good taste, design and quality raw materials for your baby.

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