Does your son answer you? Responsive children tend to become successful adults

In general, you have the wrong idea that a child who responds or is contrary to the elderly is a rebellious and disobedient child. From an adult's vision it is a behavior that does not fit in what a "well educated" child should be, but they are not children to be channeled. On the contrary, being a contestant is positive for the development of his personality.

It is true that the answers can sometimes get us out of the boxes. We are all parents and we have gone through such situations, but the important thing is to learn to keep calm, and keep in mind that If your child answers you, according to experts in psychology, "responding" children tend to become successful adults.

They are practicing their autonomy

Psychologist Joseph P. Allen, responsible for a study for the University of Virginia, explains: "We tell parents to take these arguments not as a problem, but as a possibility to foster critical thinking in their child."

When the children answer us, we immediately tend to scold them for what we consider to be a rebellion. But what they are really doing is saying "no" to something they disagree with or something we intend to do and they are not willing to do. Are pretending exercise some control over their own lives.

How do we want our children to be tomorrow, when we no longer take them by the hand? Subjected people who follow the flow and are unable to say "no" or resist the pressures, or people who dare to express their opinion when they disagree with what is imposed on them? I have no doubt that the latter, but for that it is positive that the child practices that ability to replicate since he is little.

It is his way of demonstrating that it is an independent being who has his own ideas and who begins to be able to make small decisions, decisions that will become increasingly complex as they grow older.

It doesn't mean allowing them anything

"Sure, and let the child do what he wants and get on the hump," you'll be thinking. but no, it is not that. It is clear that as parents there are limits that we have to set, such as not allowing insults, or shouting, much less the use of violence, but before an answer from our children it is important that we know how to act.

First of all, implement self-control to avoid explosive replication that leads to nothing. If necessary, slowly count to ten or start doing something else and then return to the topic. Once both have calmed down, we must let them see that we consider their point of view, that perhaps we can negotiate or solve the matter in another way. Or if we are not going to change positions, explain calmly why.

Replicating authority is not a negative thing. On the contrary, it is the practice of a skill that, well conducted, always under respect and tolerance, will make them become independent and better prepared people.

Video: 7 Parenting Tips to Deal With a Naughty Child (July 2024).