A mother publishes a photo breastfeeding her baby in a restaurant to silence those who criticize her

It seems incredible that breastfeeding in public is a topic that ignites so many reactions. It is normal and natural. A baby is hungry and his mother feeds him with his chest, there is no more than that. However, many mothers still have to endure disapproving looks when they breastfeed their babies in public.

This is what happened to Ashley Kaidel, a 24-year-old mother from Florida who decided to publish a post for shut up those who criticize her who has gone viral next to the photo you see above breastfeeding her baby in a restaurant.

Do you see anything offensive in this photo? Exhibitionism? In the photo it seems that Ashley was looking at the horizon, but in reality she is staring at a woman who is looking at her with distaste and shaking her head in a gesture of disapproval.

A brave answer

Although we do not have access to your Facebook profile (will it have been removed, restricted or censored?), We were able to rescue his words in that post that has been shared more than 120,000 times and has received almost 400,000 likes.

In his post he stood out the right of each woman to breastfeed as more comfortable she feels. "I don't try to say 'everyone should breastfeed without covering up. Show the world your tits!'. If a mother feels comfortable covering herself because she prefers so, I fully support her."

"I post these images by the mothers who try to breastfeed without covering themselves and are recriminated, observed and pointed out, by those who receive unpleasant comments and by those who leave the room or ask to be covered."

Ashley remember that women have the right by law to breastfeed in public (covered or not) and that they should not feel bad, nor ashamed or humiliated for feeding their children.

"The breasts are made to nourish your baby rather than to give pleasure to any other man, woman or partner," says Kaidel. "Its sole purpose is to serve as food and dispense directly to the baby's mouth. There is nothing unusual about that and it does not matter if I breastfeed my baby and you decide to feed him with a spoon."

Is breastfeeding displayed?

After the publication of his post he has received all kinds of reactions. Both from nursing mothers who have been through the same and they support their position, as comments that call it "exhibitionist" When breastfeeding in public. Even a Facebook page (Anti-Ashley Kaidel Page) has been created to dump criticism there.

It seems incredible to me that there are people who are dedicated to criticizing mothers who breastfeed their babies in public places. Breastfeeding should be supported and seen as something normal, not as something to be ashamed of.

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