Sixteen Christmas recipes to make with the kids

This weekend, the Christmas holidays begin for many and both parents and uncles and grandparents have their children, nephews and grandchildren to make their home happy. These days, a good activity to entertain them is to share good times in the kitchen and that's why we suggest these Sixteen Christmas recipes to make with the kids.

Myself, I'm looking forward to Christmas day because I'll have my nieces at home until New Year's Eve, so I'm sure We will take the opportunity to prepare cookies, biscuits and many other recipes together, sharing our common hobby and playing dress up as chefs, with aprons, hats and wooden rollers and ladles.

Many of the recipes for children that we publish every week are good to make with children, but these eleven that I have selected, are perfect for fun, dare to cook with us and of course, also to be eaten later.

Salty recipes to make with the kids

An idea that they love to make - and eat! - are the pizza lollipops or the individual pizzetas of sobrasada honey and pine nuts. I really like to have a good time teaching my nieces to make bread and knead it together, even if we put everything lost in flour. Making homemade bread is a great task.

Their usual recipes such as hot dogs, take on another dimension when we make them wrapped in puff pastry and it is they who help us in that task. The same goes for the cheeses which become the perfect appetizer when breading and frying them.

The same goes for other original snacks like the ones we learned to prepare in Direct to the Palate With these recipes for fun cooking with children. with snacks like these made with cookies and cheese.

Sweet recipes to make with kids

Chocolate Recipes

Chocolate is one of the ingredients they like best and they also love helping us prepare things with him. Of course, you will have to have your eyes wide open or at the slightest carelessness, our cooks can suddenly become greedy and end up like my nieces in the photo.

A good recipe to make with kids is that of puff pastry and chocolate candies because it is easy and also They love to participate by wrapping. But without a doubt, the recipe for chocolates made with white chocolate and milk chocolate will be the easiest and most fun to start and have a good time with them.

Cookie recipes to make with the kids

Help prepare the dough, stretch it with the roller and make the cuts with the molds is very fun for children. It was also great to be able to make the spiral cookies that we used to head the post. They are Easy, original and very good.

Starting from a recipe for cookies with butter, if you have some cutters with shapes you can spend it by preparing a flock of sheep or a herd of hippos, using a decoration of glasa or fondant respectively.

Recipes of biscuits, muffins, cupcakes and leftovers

The chocolate cake recipe I always remember as the one that made me spend the best time cooking with my nieces. For them it was best to help me decorate some dolls we made with the leftovers, with a recipe for decorated biscuits. Everyone was impressed with the edible dolls and their realism.

Decorating muffins and biscuits is another good task to share. Thus were born these beautiful cupcakes of bears decorated with grated coconut, chocolate and other ingredients.

You see that there is a whole world of possibilities to cook with children at Christmas, for example preparing a tangerine cream that we Serve as a dessert for the whole family or such a Christmas dessert Like the snowman made with ice cream. With these eleven Christmas recipes for cooking with the kids you will spend some time together having fun that you will not forget. Happy Holidays to all!!

Video: Eating Reindeer Poop! Yummy DIY Christmas Recipe! (July 2024).