Happy Father's Day!

Today, March 19, is celebrated in Spain on Father's day, and one more year we want to wish all the parents who read us, that fortunately every time they are more (and those who do not, too) a Happy Father's Day!

For us, these are the partners we choose to start a family and live together the experience of being parents. For children, they are everything. A father is a reference, a hero, a protector, to whom to turn when they have a problem, when they have fallen or just to give him a kiss and a hug ...

Fortunately, we are facing a generation of new parents, more and more present parents who are involved in pregnancy from the first moment and are committed to raising children. In Babies and more, when talking about parenting, we talk every day of parenthood and highlight the importance of the figure of the father as a fundamental emotional support in the life of the baby and the child.

It is a special day, and at the same time it is like every day. A date on which they receive the best of gifts: a hug and a "I love you" from the children, and if anything a nice detail made by them with all dedication. One day to pamper them and let them know how much we love them.

And if you still don't have a gift for dad, we suggest some ideas again:

  • 11 perfect books to give to dad on Father's Day

  • 11 gifts for new parents on Father's Day

  • Father's Day: 11 gift ideas for a geek dad

  • 11 gifts for fathers hipsters on Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!