Are you looking for a name for your baby? 101 girl names to inspire you

The choice of the baby's name makes us especially excited during pregnancy. We have to like it for its meaning or for its loudness, it has to combine with last names and above all, it has to convey something special to us. A name is for a lifetime, so start making your list.

If you are waiting for a baby and you are looking for a beautiful and original name, we leave you 101 girl names to inspire you.

17 most popular girl names

  • Sofia: of Greek origin and its meaning is "wisdom" or "the one who possesses wisdom".

  • Lucia: of Latin origin "lux", its meaning is "She who carries the light" or "She who is born of the light", in reference to the girls born at dawn.

  • Mary: of Hebrew origin "maryam", its meaning is "the chosen one", "the one loved by God".

  • Paula: Latin origin "Paulus" and variant of Paola. It means "The minor", "The small one" or "That one of small size".

  • Daniela: of Hebrew origin, whose meaning is "That God is his judge" or "Justice of God."

  • Valeria: of Latin origin and its meaning is "healthy and courageous".

  • Julia: of Latin origin "Iulus" / "Iulia", name with which the members of the Roman family Julia were identified. It means "consecrated to Jupiter."

  • Sunrise: of Latin origin, and means "Aurora", "Dawn", "white and bright", "the one who was born with the first light of dawn".

  • Claudia: of Latin origin "Claudinus", which means "She who limps" or "She who walks with difficulty".

  • Isabella: Italian form of the name Isabel which means "Promise of God", "Who loves God".

  • Romina: derives from the Latin "Romanus" and means "From the land of the Christians".

  • Jimena: from the Hebrew "Simeon" and means "The one who listens."

  • Emma: of Germanic origin, means "Big", "Strong", "Immense", "Powerful".

  • Irene: of Greek origin, from Eirene, which means "Peace".

  • Martina: feminine form of Martin, of Latin origin and means "consecrated or relative to the god Mars"

  • Sara: of Hebrew origin and its meaning is "Princess", "lady", "sovereign".

  • Laura: of Latin origin "laurus" (laurel), means "Victorious" (crowned with bay leaves).

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11 girl names in English

  • Charlotte: catapulted to fame after the birth of Princess Charlotte, daughter of Kate Middleton and Prince William. It means "small and feminine."

  • Violet: of Latin origin and its meaning is "beautiful as the flower that bears the same name".

  • Eleanor: It has its origin in the old French name "Aliénor". The origin and meaning of this name is very uncertain, but the most generalized hypothesis relates it to Elena and its meaning would probably be related to the "burning of the sun".

  • Lucy: is the English version of Lucia that means "The one that was born in the light of day".

  • Evelyn: name that derives from the Greek word 'hiyya' which means "source of life".

  • Adeline: from the old German "athal" means "noble."

  • Alice: name of Greek origin, means "Real, true and sincere".

  • Adelaide: name of Germanic origin, means "noble appearance".

  • Elizabeth: English translation of Isabel. It means "The one to whom God gives health" or "The one to whom God has helped."

  • Samantha: of Aramaic origin, means "the one who knows how to listen".

  • Scarlett: of English origin, means "Scarlet color"

13 interesting names for girl

  • Amalia: is a name of Greek origin. Its meaning is "loving."

  • Olivia: of Latin origin and means "The one that protects the peace".

  • Island: influenced by British royalty, Elizabeth Island Philips is the daughter of Peter Phillips, the eldest grandson of the Queen of England, born in 2012. It comes from the name of a Scottish river.

  • Ava: of Hebrew origin is an English variant of Eva and means "to give life".

  • Cora: of Greek origin, Korë, Latinized in Cora. It means "maiden, young virgin girl"

  • Eleanor: It has its origin in the old French name "Aliénor". The origin and meaning of this name is very uncertain, but the most generalized hypothesis relates it to Elena and its meaning would probably be related to the "burning of the sun".

  • Lucy: is the English version of Lucia that means "The one that was born in the light of day".

  • Chloe: of Greek origin, means "grass" or "green sprouts".

  • Renata: means "the one born a second time". It was used among the first Christians in reference to baptism as "second birth."

  • Camila: of Latin origin means "one who stands before God" or "one who presents sacrifices."

  • Regina: female of rex (king), means "queen," "celestial queen."

  • Candy: of Latin origin (Dulcis). It means: "the one that is nice and sweet."

  • Veronica: of Greek origin, it means "bearer of victory" and also "true image".

19 Italian girl names

  • Alessandra: Alejandra's Italian form. It means "defender of humanity."

  • Alessia: Alessandra variant.

  • Alfonsina: Italian feminine form of Alfonso, means "warrior prepared for combat".

  • Antonella: means "woman of great value".

  • Bianca: means "white".

  • Carina: means "the smallest and dearest."

  • Chiara: means "clarity" and "brightness".

  • Fiorella: means "small, delicate and very pretty flower".

  • Francesca: It means "the one that has been released."

  • Gabriella: It means "devotee of God."

  • Gianna: It means "God is merciful"

  • Lorenza: name of Latin origin meaning "crowned with laurels".

  • Marena: means "sea".

  • Mellea: means "honey."

  • Nicoletta: means "victorious people."

  • Orazia: means "guardian of time".

  • Pia: means "devout, dedicated and committed woman".

  • Stella: means "heavenly star."

  • Zinerva: means "fair" and "light-haired".

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15 names of Arabic origin

  • Azahara: bright, beautiful person like a flower.

  • Farah: joy, joviality.

  • Fatima: weaned girl.

  • Habiba: dear, beloved.

  • Halima: gentle, gentle, patient.

  • Kalila: good friend.

  • Karima: of incalculable value.

  • Malika: Queen.

  • Nayla: the one with big eyes.

  • Rada: beautiful and virtuous.

  • Sabira: patient.

  • Salma: peace.

  • Samira: the one who tells stories at night.

  • Zaida: the one that grows.

  • Czara: flower, star, bright dawn

11 names of mythological heroines

  • Pandora: "the one who has all the gifts". Pandora was the woman who recklessly opened the box where all the gifts of the gods are kept, leaving only hope.

  • Ariadne: means "very pure, very holy". She was the daughter of Minos and Pasiphae, and helped Theseus to defeat the Minotaur by giving him a ball of yarn to be tied by one end to the door of the labyrinth.

  • Fedra: means "bright, bright, bright". She was a Cretan princess, daughter of Minos and Pasífae, and sister of Ariadna.

  • Kassandra: means "sister of men." She is the one who is friends with others, kind and with "grace." In mythology, Kassandra was the sister of Hector and Paris and was gifted with the gift of prophecy.

  • Helena: it means “one that shines like a torch,“ shining and bright. ”She was considered the most beautiful woman in Greece and was the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta. According to legend, her kidnapping was the trigger for the Trojan war.

  • Electra: means "Gold, shiny, yellow amber." He helped his brother Orestes to avenge the death of his father, Agamemnon, at the hands of his mother and his lover.

  • Gives: means "lady." She was the wife of Tindaro, king of Sparta. Zeus was in love with her and to get closer he became a swan. He had two children with him, Helena and Pollux.

  • Penelope: its meaning is "the one who weaves a dress or mantle". Daughter of Icario and Peribea. Ulysses wife. When he leaves Ithaca for the Trojan war, she waits patiently for her return by weaving. Mother of Telemachus.

  • Antigone: means "Rebel, contrary to his generation". Daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta, kings of Thebes. Her destiny was very unfortunate, since she was condemned by her uncle to be buried alive in the family pantheon for taking pity on her brother who had been a traitor.

  • Calypso: means "the one who hides". She was a nymph who held Ulysses seven years promising her eternal youth if she stayed by his side, but Ulysses decided to return with his wife Penelope.

  • Andromeda: means "Ruler of men." She was the daughter of the kings of Ethiopia. His mother boasted that she was more beautiful than the nymphs of the sea, something that angered the god Poseidon who sent the Kraken to destroy the kingdom. An oracle said they would only be saved if they sacrificed Andromeda, so they tied her to a stone and offered her to the monster, but finally the maiden is rescued by Perseus who kills the monster.

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15 names of great women in history

  • Ada: by Ada Lovelace (1815-1852): Countess and daughter of Lord Byron. Soon he became interested in mathematics and logic. She was the inventor of the calculator. She is known as the first female programmer.

  • Amelia: by Amelia Earhart (1897 - 1937): She became famous for her marks as a pilot and for being the first woman to attempt the first air travel around the world over the equator.

  • Carlota: by Carlota Corday (1768 - 1793): He was one of the key characters of the French revolution, famous for killing Marat, a Jacobin.

  • Katherine: by Catalina de Aragón (1485-1536): She was Queen of England and is considered the first ambassador in history.

  • clear: by Clara Campoamor (1881 - 1972): She was one of the promoters of women's suffrage in Spain, achieved in 1931 and a convinced feminist.

  • Emilia: by Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921): One of the greatest Spanish writers. In addition to novelist, essayist, journalist, literary critic, playwright and poet, he fought for equal rights between men and women.

  • Frida, by Frida Kahlo (1907-1954): An accident forced her to remain at home and became one of the most popular artists and women of the last century.

  • Manuela, by Manuela Malasaña (1791-1808): She was one of the heroines and victims of the popular uprising of May 2 in Madrid against the French.

  • Marie, by Marie Curie (Maria Salomea Sklodowska) (1867-1934): scientist of Polish and French nationalized origin was the first person to receive two Nobel prizes in different specialties (physics and chemistry) and the first woman to occupy a teaching position in the University of Paris

  • Olympia, by Olympe de Gouges (1748 - 1793): Writer, playwright and philosopher who turned the world upside down by writing "Declaration of the rights of women and citizens."

  • Victory, by Victoria Kent (1889-1987): Spanish lawyer and politician who introduced prison reforms in the system, besides being the first woman to intervene in a war council in Spain.

  • pink, by Rosa Parks (1913 - 2006): On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white man in the southern United States, igniting the spark that would lead to protests without violence in favor of rights African American civilians.

  • Rita, by Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909 - 2012): Neurologist and politician, dedicated his life to brain research discovering the neuronal growth factor, which earned him the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1986.

  • Dian, by Dian Fossey (1932-1985): American zoologist recognized for his scientific and conservation work with the gorillas of the Virunga mountains. Known as the "lady of the gorillas."

  • Valentina, by Valentina Tereshkova (1937-1963): Russian engineer, was the first woman who traveled to outer space. The name, of Latin origin, means "courageous", "vigorous", "Who has health".

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