How to find more time to spend with your baby: fundamental tricks and a cleaning robot to get it

From the moment your baby is born, begin to feel greatly attached to you and to develop the need to communicate with you. As time goes by, you learn to recognize what you need and strive to provide it. This is what they do, or try to do, all parents with their children, thus creating a very special bond that will accompany them throughout their lives. And is that there is nothing better for a newborn than feeling loved and protected, especially in his first year of life, to develop his self-esteem and enjoy a balanced life, and the best way to achieve it is by spending time.

Now, the theory is clear, but when the time comes to put it into practice you find that once you have reincorporated your usual work routine to your day to day you have hours to reach everything. You can not finish your professional tasks, you do not have time to take care of yourself or practice sports, and if that were not enough, you have to manage to make the purchase in the supermarket and other daily tasks in addition to, of course, dedicate all the time in the world That your baby deserves. Do not be alarmed, this feeling is suffered by all newly released parents, first-time or not, men and women, regardless of marital status.

What can you do to get to everything? Although it seems incredible, if we all survive, you can also overcome this situation but you will need establish a priority list (in which your baby will take first place), organize well and plan your day to day, in addition to, of course, delegate tasks.

Back to work

The most fortunate parents can afford that at least one of the two stop working for a season to devote all their time to the baby, others ask for a reduction of the day to spend as much time as possible with him, but most have to incorporate into your work once the legal leave time has expired. If it's your case, Surely you can do a lot to get more time with your baby.

If you have a flexible work schedule, try to make the most of it. For example, if you have an hour to eat, try to cut it half an hour, if you have the possibility to go to work a few hours before, you can also leave earlier and if one day you can work from home, you will save the round trip time you take in Get to work at least.

The purpose is to maximize your workday to, once completed, dedicate 100% of the remaining time to your baby, which includes forget about your computer, save your mobile phone and turn off the TV. You will have time to check emails or read social media updates when your baby is asleep.

Delegate tasks

Once you have made the most of your work schedule, it is time to do the same with other daily tasks such as make the purchase or clean the house.

Fortunately, today, most supermarkets have online sales With what, in fact, the strongest purchase of the week you can order via the Internet and receive it at the door of your house whenever you want. If you have a habit of buying bread daily or you have run out of oil, Take the opportunity to go for a walk with your baby in the neighborhood at the same time you do these errands. He will love the ride, will be happy to share it with you and you will complete your tasks while enjoying valuable time with your baby.

As for the cleaning of the house, we have good news to give you: there are smart appliances that can do it for you. If you have children, it is certain that cleaning the house is not something that is easy for you because you almost have no free time or because fatigue is heavy after working all day. But thanks to the new range of LG Hombot Square Turbo vacuum robots you can vacuum your home effortlessly and in a simple, fast and very comfortable way.

This robot is very easy to use -With which press Start is enough-, and also you can program it so that he only takes care of the daily cleaning while you go for a walk with your baby or you are at home playing with him. Thanks to its square design reaches every corner, with its double camera can clean rooms with the light off, its multiple anti-shock sensors prevent stumble on furniture or walls and besides being so silent, you can use it at any time of the day, even when your baby is sleeping. Your EPA anti-allergy filter is perfect for trapping dirt particles and keeping your home clean and healthy. In addition, the new Hombot Turbo has an even more powerful and efficient engine that guarantees you to forget about cleaning during a good season.

Take care of yourself while you enjoy your baby

Eat a balanced diet or play sports They are two good habits that, surely, every woman will have tried to follow during pregnancy and must continue to maintain now to finish recovering or simply to be healthy. As we commented a few lines above, brisk walk It is one of the most beneficial sports that currently exist. You move, you activate the circulation, you increase the heart rate and therefore you exercise and strengthen the heart, it helps you to recover your pre-pregnancy weight faster, tone your legs, buttocks and abdominals, and, if you do it during the day - in moderation and taking care not to expose yourself to direct or excessive sun neither you nor the baby-, both you and your baby will increase the level of Vitamin D thanks to natural light. Do not hesitate, take advantage of the arrival of good weather to take long walks with your baby daily.

But there are many other activities that you can do with your baby and that will help you stay fit. The simple fact of starting to play with him and enjoying that moment will make you release endorphins, so you both enjoy your time together to the fullest and feel happier.

If you feel like trying something new and very beneficial for both, sign up for family yoga classes. It will help your baby to relax, learn to breathe and strengthen his bond with you, while you, in addition, will help you strengthen the areas of your body resented by the effort of childbirth, such as the pelvic floor. Can you think of a better form of union between a father and a son?

So you know, enjoy your baby to the fullest and don't forget to always take a camera with you, since at the most unexpected moment, it will surely give you the funniest memory.

Photos | iStock - FamVeld, STEFANOLUNARDI, IuriiSokolov

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