"Bad mothers": movie trailer that will help us laugh a little at ourselves

What does a woman have to do to be considered a good mother? Exactly, many things, and all good. And to be also a woman of today? Many more things, with which she will become a superwoman, as we explained not long ago.

A lot of requirements that make being a woman today literally impossible, and that those who try to stay close, very close, to end up crazy. That is why she is very grateful when a mother speaks with frankness, humor and humility about "her failures as a perfect mother", and for that reason this film will surely be appreciated: "Bad mothers".

Do you want to be perfect but you don't get it?

Surely you tried. Many women have tried, and many men have also: be perfect mothers and fathers. But it is impossible, because to be perfect you must be perfect as a person, and I don't know anyone who is.

We are human, and that means that we are not robots, wizards or gods, and in this situation the most normal, and more if our role is to take care of small people with behaviors often illogical for our understanding, is that our life becomes in a small or big disaster where everything we do is the maximum to end every day without fainting.

And that every day. Go in tow since you get up, as with water around your neck at all times, taking the children to school, to their activities, to go clean, well dressed and combed (that does not seem to not worry about them), make them healthy food, eat it, spend quality time, clean the house to avoid bronchitis, shower them, then help them to do things, to be more autonomous and collect what goes wrong because they are learning, help them Do your homework, separate them when they fight, teach them to speak, to negotiate and not to lose their temper when you are already shouting to the sky because that day it has rained on the clothes. The one you had the day before and you still haven't been able to pick up

"Bad mothers"

Well, something like that is what they wanted to capture in this film starring Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Christina Applegate and Kathryn Hahn that looks like it will be one of the funniest movies of the year.

Kunis stars in an exhausted mother of two children who tries to be a wonderful mother until a point arrives where she accepts defeat and decides to join the other side, that of the "bad mothers".

This is how he joins other mothers in the same situation and they decide to take a break from the excessive pressures of life. The lifestyle they will adopt can be seen summarized in the trailer, which seems to promise a lot.

We hope that this is the case and that they have achieved what many of us enjoy seeing: mothers with the same problems as ours, with whom we can identify, because from there we can dedicate ourselves only to laughing and enjoying the film, to that "bad mother" life that fathers and mothers are adopting to prevent our children from being orphaned (Because having parents in a psychiatric hospital is like leaving them orphaned).

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