A police officer bathes a baby who was covered in vomit after arresting his mother who was driving drunk

The children are not to blame for the irresponsibility of the parents, but there are supportive people with a spirit of service willing to help them, as they have done two police officers from the state of West Virginia (United States) who met with a surprise in a routine control of breathalyzer

Policemen Dereck Graham and his partner B.R. Wood they stopped a woman who was driving drunk and found in the back seat a baby covered in vomit, urine and feces. The officer did not hesitate to take him to the police headquarters and give a bath in the sink to clean the child.

The officer is a father and felt that he could not leave the child sitting there all dirty and smelling so bad. So he decided to give him a good bath until the child protection services arrived. There were taken these photos in which the baby seems to thank him for what he has done for him.

He told The Washington Post, "As a father, I couldn't let my baby be covered in vomiting, urine and feces." "That's why I decided to prepare a bath in the sink to make him feel better," he added.

A sad story

Behind this beautiful anecdote and that grateful smile that the baby gives them there is a very sad story: the baby will be in the custody of a legal guardian and will be supervised by the Child Protective Services.

It is sad that it is not the mother herself who is able to take care of her baby, but no doubt from now on she will be better taken care of. Two guardian angels crossed their path.

Video: DRUNKEN MESS Driver arrested for OUI after passenger needed to be lifted out of own vomit and tak (July 2024).