Not all children face school back with a smile, there is more resignation than joy

We have been listening since August "Start school." We have been making lists and trying on clothes for weeks for "back to school". With the best intention, of course, but sometimes without realizing what children really feel with that appointment on their agenda.

The return to school can be a reason for joy as it can be anguish for some children, are we realizing it, the adults around them? Why not, Not all children face school back with a smile, in some there is more resignation than joy.

Uniforms, sports equipment, babies, backpacks, wallets, books and more books. The return to class has the positive incentive to see many of the friends of the past year and enjoy together, to learn with fun teachers and subjects that we like but also has a somewhat less friendly face.

“I do not understand that it is cool to have exams every two to three, to have to get up early, carry a lot of weight in the backpack!” Bea 9 years

Excessive pressure

Many times the pressure we can put on children is absolutely involuntary, we don't realize that we project our own intentions on them.

We want to teach them what we already know but at their age we didn't know, something logical and something that they will only learn over time.

Other times that pressure is more continuous and conscious, other times we want our son to be what we couldn't or didn't know how to be. We want you not to say goodbye to the console, we want you to not waste time with friends who sometimes we don't know at all well. We want, without realizing it, to grow too fast.

There are even cases where that pressure is "Hereditary", which starts at school and even goes to university, where some parents decide that the degree in law or medicine in the family is almost hereditary, beyond the claims or preferences of the student himself.

Cases like the one we knew this summer of a Japanese father who killed his 12-year-old son for not wanting to study more, are only exceptions but show the pressure exerted on a family by a competitive educational system and nothing fair for those children who have less facilities to study, for those children from families less economically deprived.

Educational systems in which only those children whose families can afford it and the rest study, the rest have few options in life, when they become adults.

Shred the school to not return to class

Having to go back to school inevitably means that Children do not have their time, in many cases even a small daily plot in which they can decide what to do or what not to do.

Given this pressure and from a child's perspective, reading news like that of the Galician children who entered his school this summer to destroy it and thus not have to return to it, could make us reflect on the subject.

We can study for many years, practically all our life but How old are we going to let our children be children?

Already, you will tell me that the fault cannot fall on the parents or not only on the parents and you will be right but something we will have to do among all, don't you think?

And we do not talk about cases of bullying or bullying that is even more serious, we only reflect on the day-to-day life of many children who face the return to school with more resignation than joy, that there are also.

Photos | iStockphoto
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