How to prevent colds in the smallest of the house

Children and babies get cold viruses very quickly, as they are transmitted by contact and orally. Simply touch your hands or sneeze so that they spread to each other. Many times it is inevitable, but knowing the most effective tricks and the expert advice To avoid colds, you can help us prevent them.

Measures to prevent children from catching a cold

The first and most important is handwashing frequently. Since if the child touches the eyes, nose or mouth after having touched something contaminated by the virus, it will be spread. Teach him to wash his hands for at least 20 seconds after going to the bathroom, after he finishes playing and before and after eating.

Teaching kids to wash their hands often is essential

It is also important dry your hands well, since wet hands favor the spread of viruses and bacteria.

If possible, using disposable paper towels instead of plush towels.

Don't forget about wash and disinfect your toys To prevent germs. Some of them, like stuffed animals, are a real mite nest. We must also prevent mold from accumulating inside your rubber water toys.

An adequate home environment, a key factor

At home, it is recommended ventilate enclosed spaces several times a day to renew oxygen and prevent the accumulation of dust, germs, viruses and bacteria. Necessary completely eliminate tobacco smoke, since this one favors the infections in the infantile airways.

It is also highly recommended to keep a humid environment in enclosed spaces so that the mucous membranes do not dry out. Humidifiers like Humi Fresh from Chicco, are the most effective products to achieve it.

This cold steam humidifier works with ultrasound technology, is low consumption, quiet (to ensure a good rest), safe, takes up little space and has eight hours of autonomy. It also has a capacity of 2 liters and touch button with LED light so you can select between 4 flow levels, adapting it to your needs

A good diet

With regard to food, you can not miss the foods with vitamin C in the diet of our children during the coldest season of the year. Although they do not prevent or cure the cold, they strengthen the immune system that makes it possible for children to fight viruses effectively.

Vitamin C does not prevent the cold, but it does help strengthen your immune system

Some of the foods richest in vitamin C are oranges, grapefruits, lemons, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, melon, broccoli, dark green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, kiwis and tomatoes.

In general, healthy eating, with an adequate supply of nutrients, is the best way to improve your defenses. Like, if you are still breastfeeding, lengthen breastfeeding as much as possible.

Healthier habits of life

As for our life habits, it is recommended that children perform outdoor activities to avoid virus concentration. Therefore, when they are in closed spaces for a long time, such as school or daycare, and in contact with viruses, they get sick more often.

Over-dressing children is a very common mistake

Other effective tips focus on Avoid sudden temperature changes Y do not clothe too much to the kids. The latter is a very common mistake.

Although we must always keep your feet warm To avoid colds, children generally have more activity and move much more than we do and do not need so many layers of clothing. To prevent colds, we can not let sweat cool on the skin of children.

The emotional factor also influences

Pediatricians ensure that children with emotional stability They are able to overcome colds more quickly. This is because the stress that causes discomfort or negative sensations (such as sadness or anger), reduces the body's defenses and makes them more sensitive to infectious diseases.

Stress decreases children's defenses

Happy family environments favor the immune system of the little ones, while adults affected by stress transmit that mood to children, which can cause changes in your immune status and cause a decrease in your defenses.

According to the specialists, Young children catch a cold 6 to 12 times a year during the first four or five years of life. Given that the average duration of a common cold is about two weeks, following these preventive measures is essential to prevent children from being sick during most of the winter.

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IStock Images | Pryshchepa Serii / FamVeld / razyph.

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