A mannequin challenge ... even in childbirth!

The fashion of the Mannequin Challenge (Mannequin Challenge or Mannequin Challenge in Spanish) has reached unsuspected sites. The viral phenomenon of the immovable protagonists has invaded sporting events, schools and even the White House.

You have to have the courage to get to do a Mannequin Challenge in full labor, but there are people for everything. There are those who dance between contraction and contraction to induce labor and also who like Blac Chyna, American celebrity, Rob Kardashian's partner, who has not thought of a better time than the birth of their daughter to do so.

Dream Team 💕 #mannequinchallenge

A video posted by Blac Chyna (@blacchyna) on Nov 10, 2016 at 2:50 PST

Humor or frivolization of childbirth?

Of course, there was no lack of criticism to the Mannequin Challenge during the birth of this famous celebrity by convey a frivolous and banal idea of ​​the birth of a child. Although there are also those who recognized that the scene is very well mounted and has its point of humor.

Few women may be at that moment more aware of the camera than of the process they are experiencing. They need calm and intimacy to cope with labor as calmly as possible, controlling pain and using techniques that allow them to relax.

Anyway, we do not know at what time the birth was made or if perhaps, the mother prefers to relax in this way. Each birth is a world and everyone chooses how they prefer to give birth.

What we do know is that hours after posting the Mannequin Challenge on his Instagram account, he gave birth by caesarean section to a girl who weighed almost 4 kilos.

Video: Blac Chyna Rob Kardashian Mannequin Challenge & Dream's Special Guests (July 2024).