Moms also get sick and deserve rest

Today I want to share an article that I hope will help some mothers who have gone through a situation similar to the one I am currently in or who can prevent it.

Many times when we think of "mom", it usually comes to our mind that super woman who keeps everything in order and in place, the one that makes the family work and that takes care (because he likes to do it) of many things at home. Although there are many parents who are 100% involved in parenting, in most households, the responsibility for everything that has to do with children still rests with women.

And in fact, we mothers can be many things: teacher, nurse, psychologist, cook, singer and all the required roles. But sometimes we forget one thing: we also get sick.

What happens when mom gets sick?

Well, if that happens, it really doesn't happen much. Sometimes we usually think that if we get sick, the world stops and the house falls. But no, the world will continue to spin and things at home will continue to work.

When we become mothers it happens that, without realizing it, we forget a little bit of us. And it is no longer just about our well-being. Now in addition to everything we usually did, we must take care of some little ones who need us and whose life literally depends on us. Needless to say, being a mother is exhausting.

But our family motivates us to continue doing things. And how not to do it? If we like and enjoy doing everything possible to see them happy. So much so that sometimes we do not realize that we can reach extreme exhaustion or that we do not notice (or do not give importance) to those small discomforts that appear from time to time.

Unintentionally, we leave our health off the list of priorities, because we have so many things to do that we even minimize what we feel. Nor do I want to say that we become martyrs in plan "I feel that I die but calm, that nothing happens and I will be fine". I mean that We don't give it much importance because we don't think it could be something serious. And this is what I think most times.

Do not ignore the first symptoms

I must accept it, I don't like going to the doctor. It's funny because if I notice that something happens to my daughter, it's the first thing I plan to do and I don't care if I cancel my plans or lose all afternoon, my daughter's health comes first. But the same does not happen when it comes to me. Thinking about going to the doctor because I feel bad causes me a bit of laziness. I feel like I'm being exaggerated when "it's nothing." But many times that "is nothing"ends up becoming a"I can not stand it anymore"or"I have two weeks with discomfort"That turned out to be just what happened to me.

I tell you briefly because this article is not about me, but about the health of mothers in general:

I had four days with cold symptoms, I took some vitamins and a generic flu was at home, until one night my chest hurt a lot and I was short of breath. I ended up going to the hospital almost at midnight for fear that I would get pneumonia like last year. I was prescribed some medications, but they did not work and a week later I went back to the hospital because besides that I had stomach pain. For my fortune, the doctor who had treated my pneumonia a year earlier was on duty. He prescribed antibiotics for both infections, sent me to nebulize and rest at home. I took all the medicines but neither rested nor fed better.

A week later, the respiratory system was already solved but still with stomach pain and discomfort. Again, I didn't give it much importance and I waited until the pain became almost unbearable to go to the doctor. They asked me for analysis of everything, even an abdominal ultrasound and the results showed that I have paratyphoid, and they also found that I have fatty liver. So more antibiotics, strict diet and a lot of rest to recheck me in two weeks.

Why do I tell you all this? Because maybe I would have avoided all those laps and that enormous expense in medicines and consultations if from the beginning I had gone to the doctor and had been more careful with what I ate. But it seemed easy to follow my normal life, without resting or paying enough attention to what my body was wanting to tell me.

Mom, rest and ask for help

Among all the day-to-day concerns I forgot about myself. And honestly, I feel a little selfish and guilty for asking for help and lying down. Even if I spend the morning in a fetal position lying in bed, I feel as if I am abusing or abandoning my family in some way. That feeling of guilt is what I have writing this article.

Mom, if you're reading me: don't be like many of us who fall into that "is nothing". Listen to your body. If you feel bad, go to the doctor. If you need rest, rest. If you need help with your children to rest, ask for help. It is worth asking and that will not make you less mother or make you a lazy.

What is not worth is feeling guilty. It is not worth ignoring the symptoms until we feel bad. It is not worth not resting when we know that it can help us feel better. It is not worth not asking for help when we need it. A good mother also cares about herself.

This time I failed myself to minimize what I felt. But little by little I learn that health, my health, is something serious and important. Let us always remember that so that our children are well, mom must be too.

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Video: r EntitledParent. I rather make 2000 People sick than letting my kid rest. Best of Reddit (July 2024).