Seven tips that will help you with breastfeeding this summer

Lactating babies are especially sensitive to changes of humor, routines or stress that the mother can live, and the summer vacations and travel They may involve such changes.

For many nursing mothers, this time of year creates insecurity, doubts and concerns regarding breastfeeding. They fear that traveling, changing schedules, routines or trips may affect their milk.

The Medela company, involved in helping breastfeeding women for several decades, has developed a report with some basic recommendations so that mother and baby can continue to enjoy breastfeeding also in summer.

We wanted to echo some of these recommendations, also counting on the experience and advice of Almudena Gomis, lactation consultant of the Multilacta group.

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1. If you are traveling by car, locate rest areas and adapt to what the baby asks

Planning a car trip with a breastfeeding child on demand is virtually impossible. In addition, we must bear in mind that the car can alter the baby causing a double effect on it:

  • Or it can make you sleep more than usual so that your shots are spaced
  • Or they can generate a state of insecurity and stress that only mom's breast can calm down

That is why Almudena does not advise us to plan the trip when we go by car, but to get carried away by circumstances and adapt to what the baby demands, always keeping in mind the mandatory stops we have to make for the baby do not spend more than an hour and a half in the chair.

However, from Medela they recommend that before traveling by car Locations on the map rest areas or spacious and comfortable areas where you can stop breastfeeding your baby. Both outside and inside Spain, there are very well prepared, comfortable road areas and even with a children's area and changing rooms.

Mark them on the map and if you have to stop, see if you have any of these areas nearby. But remember: if the baby demands and no rest area that you have previously marked is nearby, it will be necessary to stop you as soon as possible, in a safe and enabled place.

2. How to conserve breast milk if you are traveling by plane?

If for whatever reason, you have chosen to pump the milk to give it to your baby in a bottle, it is important that you inform yourself previously about the regulations of introducing liquid into airplanes.

In addition, you have to properly conserve milk so that it does not spoil, and these indications will be useful for air travel and any other means of transport:

"The most practical thing is to use a portable refrigerator and put two accumulators of ice to conserve milk for hours. But we must bear in mind that the plane is not the best place to heat the milk when offering it to the baby. We can anticipate to your demand and heat the bottle at room temperature or do it under the hot tap "- Almudena advises

"But, in any case, the option of giving a bottle with breast milk under these conditions being able to opt for the breast should be only in cases of emergency or if there is no choice but to do it" - emphasizes the adviser.

3. If you are traveling to other countries, know their customs beforehand

Not all countries protect in the same way the rights of nursing mothers. Therefore, it is preferable that you inform yourself in advance about the rules to follow regarding the breastfeeding in public abroad.

Almudena Gomis reminds us that although the League of Milk is present in many countries of international scope helping to normalize breastfeeding in public, it is always advisable to inform yourself in advance and be discreet when breastfeeding in a country or culture that is not known .

4. Prepare a breastfeeding aid kit

It is recommended to mothers prepare a breastfeeding aid kit when traveling. And although we know that nothing has to happen, sometimes small problems can occur at the least appropriate time.

Do not forget that there will always be pharmacies to go to buy something we need, but it may be that for some mothers - especially if traveling abroad - take a home from home small breastfeeding aid kit, provide confidence in the event of any unforeseen occurrence.

"We must not think that potholes with an on-going breastfeeding will arise and in which there have never been problems" - Almudena emphasizes - "But if we talk about a lactation in which there has already been the occasional difficulty or simply the mother feels more confident carrying this kit, then it should not be missing in the suitcase, since the important thing is the tranquility of the mother "

If the mother considers putting a breast pump in this kit, Medela recommends using a simple one (electric or manual) if its use will be punctual. But if the idea is to use it frequently, then it is advisable to get one with a double extractor.

5. Wear comfortable clothes to breastfeed

Any nursing mom will not forget to put in her suitcase bras or special breastfeeding shirts. Also dresses or garments that button up ahead are great allies when it comes to breastfeeding.

During trips and trips, always opt for clothes as practical and simple as possible to be able to breastfeed quickly and comfortably in all circumstances

Summer is a time when the body is exhibited more by the type of clothes we wear or the places we frequent. And for many women, this circumstance implies an important process of acceptance of their own body that seems so different from the one they had before giving birth.

In Babies and more How to extract and preserve breast milk

6. Take care of your diet ... and your hydration!

We must always take care of food, but with more reason if we are breastfeeding. Take one varied, balanced and especially refreshing food. And it is that the hydration of the nursing mother is almost more important than the feeding itself.

"It's okay to take care of food, but I think we should not become obsessed when we are on vacation and take advantage of this moment to rest and enjoy" - Almudena recalls - "Let's not forget that even if we neglect our diet for a few days, Mom's milk will remain the best baby food "

On the other hand, if you are traveling to a country where the type of food you eat there is very different from what you are used to, you should not worry that the taste of new foods may affect your breastfeeding.

"It is true that the taste of milk changes depending on the type of feeding we carry - the lactation consultant tells us - but this is something very positive for the baby since we are accustomed his palate to new flavors in the face of the introduction of complementary feeding "

7. Minimize stress

Many families plan their vacations including a endless activities that can be stressful for mother and babies, especially sensitive to mood swings and routines.

In this regard, Almudena gives important advice to nursing mothers who should not forget, whether they are on vacation or not:

"In a situation of stress or anxiety, the body generates adrenaline that will block oxytocin, a hormone involved in breastfeeding. This blockage prevents the breastfeeding process from flowing naturally and can affect breastfeeding."

"Therefore, whether we are on vacation or not, it is important that the mother live her breastfeeding in a relaxed way and away from those situations that may alter it"

And it is that on vacation there is nothing better than resting and enjoying, adapting to the circumstances of the arrival of a baby and, above all, respecting the rhythms and personality of the children

Video: 7 tips for nursing after a c section (July 2024).