A baby born with the heart outside the body manages to survive

Vanellope Hope Wilkins is a girl who was born with her heart out of the body, a very strange condition known as ectopia cordis, a malformation derived from an alteration of embryological development which prevented his ribs and sternum from forming normally.

The doctors did not believe she was born, but against all odds, the girl survived the pregnancy and the birth. After birth she underwent three complex surgeries thanks to which they managed to place her heart inside her body. The girl is recovering favorably, and her parents and siblings hope to take her home as soon as possible.

Almost no chance of survival

Many consider the case of Vanellope as something exceptional, since 90 percent of babies with this malformation die before birth and those who manage to survive die within a few days.

Malformation was detected on an ultrasound performed in week nine of pregnancy, and parents were recommended to abort, but they decided to move on with the pregnancy after seeing her move on ultrasound.

Dr. Frances Bu'Lock, an expert in cardiac pediatrics, has said that “there is very little information available. I saw a case in a fetus about 20 years ago, but the pregnancy was aborted. ”

He pregnancy follow-up was very thorough to control that the baby was developing correctly despite its malformation, and although the birth was planned for Christmas, doctors decided to advance the delivery (which occurred by caesarean section), to prevent infections or damage to the heart.

Fifty people in childbirth

He was born on November 22 at Glenfield Hospital, in Leicester, England. In the operating room they were present four medical teams, about fifty people among doctors, midwives, nurses and health workers.

At birth, she was placed in a sterilized bag and fifty minutes later she underwent her first intervention. At seven days, the second and third at two weeks.

There is no other similar case registered in the United Kingdom, and very few in the world. The last was the case of Kieran Veitz, who was born in 2015 in the United States, also with the heart out of the body and who after being operated, has turned three years old and develops normally.

We hope that this is also the case of Vanellope, who, despite the fact that no one even expected him to be born, can go home with his family and celebrate many birthdays with them.

Via | University Hospitals of Leicester
Photos | University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
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