A young mother gives birth while fighting brain cancer

Knowing that you expect a baby is one of the news that gives more joy to women who have the illusion of being mothers, knowing that the family grows is certainly a cause for celebration. However, there are times when this good news is eclipsed by other very sad ones.

This was the case of a young woman, who When she was seven and a half months pregnant she found out she had brain cancer and recently gave birth to her baby.

Dana Scatton is a young woman who was studying her first year of college in Pennsylvania and at the same time was expecting her first baby, when In December of last year she was diagnosed with a tumor in the brain, specifically a diffuse intrinsic pontino glioma (GPID).

This type of tumor is one that grows rapidly and spreads through the brainstem, and its probability of recovery is very low. In Dana's case, she was told that her brain cancer was terminal.

At first, she thought that the symptoms she felt because of the tumor were caused by pregnancy, until they began to be too strange and strong, such as the fact that they could not speak correctly or that their legs began to crawl when walking.

After having an MRI scan, they found the tumor, which was 2.3 centimeters and turned out to be cancerous. He then began to see specialists to know what treatment to follow, until an oncologist pediatrician responded with the harsh reality of this type of cancer: the probability of recovery is virtually nil.

After some thought and returning to the hospital a week later, Dana decided to pause the radiation therapy until her baby was born. However, his symptoms began to get worse, so The doctors advised him to start the treatment, assuring him that it would not harm his baby.

Eight days after starting treatment, Dana gave birth to a completely healthy baby, which Aries Marie called. In a post on her personal Facebook Dana shares how proud she is of her baby's strength.

In an interview with Daily Advertiser, Dana comments that everything that has happened has definitely changed the way you see life:

"It was like a wake-up call, to see how death was planted in front of your face ... it's so real ... it shows you what is true. This world doesn't matter, it's temporary, you know? When I learned about my diagnosis, I immediately let the world go ... We all think we have a lot of time. Honestly, I feel grateful to have had that to wake up and realize what is right.. And I wish everyone could see that. Death occurs in a blink. I want other people to realize the importance of doing things right".

For Dana, every day is a challenge because her symptoms weaken her too much, but Continue to receive treatments to continue fighting this aggressive cancer and enjoy your baby. His family has created a page on GoFundMe so that those who wish so can donate money to help pay for the costs of their treatment.