Alfie Evans dies four days after being disconnected: his death opens a strong debate

His father has announced on his Facebook account that Alfie Evans, the 23-month-old baby who suffered a degenerative disease without a cure, He has died this morning at the Liverpool hospital where he was admitted.

The baby was disconnected last Monday, by court decision and against the wishes of his parents, of the machines that kept him alive. Although doctors believed that he would survive a few minutes, against all odds he continued to breathe on his own for four days. His life was extinguished and with it the legal battle of the parents also ends, but a strong debate opens on who should decide on the child's life in these cases.

“My gladiator has deposed his shield and earned his wings at 2:30. Absolutely disconsolate. I love you my little".

A tough legal battle

His parents Tom Evans, 21, and Kate James, 20, they fought so that their son was not disconnected from life support, but the United Kingdom Supreme Court denied them to appeal the judicial decision.

Then they got Italy to grant the British baby nationality so he could travel to Italy and continue receiving treatment at a hospital run by the Vatican, but he has also been denied up to three times. Doctors and judges felt that providing more medical assistance would be not only "useless", but "cruel and inhuman".

The networks begin to fill with reactions to the death of little Alfie. His life has been extinguished but without a doubt his death raises a great debate about who should decide on the life of a child in these cases.

There are goodbyes full of feeling and opinions of all kinds. From the toughest who believe that a "murder" has been committed to those who believe that the decision to disconnect it has been the most "dignified" for the baby.

#AlfieEvans BRAVO small Alfie. You have accomplished your mission. Never was a baby so loved by everyone. ♥ ️

- Maika H. #iMision ن (@kktuen) April 28, 2018

Finally the little #AlfieEvans has died, killed by the British state, but his struggle these 4 heroic days managed to move the world. Life is NOT owned by the state, #ReinoUnido has bloodstained hands once again.
Rest in peace, little Alfie. ✝

- Carlos Navarro #Respeto (@ CarlosBarrax_97) April 28, 2018

No gentlemen, Alfie has not been sentenced by any doctor or judge. Alfie suffered from a neurodegenerative disease that has led to his death. Maintaining it with life support in these conditions has a name: therapeutic embodiment and poor praxis.

- Joserra (@jramonfernandez) April 28, 2018

Video: The Death of Alfie Evans. BTWN E303 (June 2024).