The British government threatens to ban disposable wipes and parents go crazy

When the baby comes home, it could be said that it comes with a pack of wet wipes under the arm. For many parents this product becomes a staple in the shopping cart that lasts until long after their baby has left the diapers because they are used for almost everything.

The problem is the enormous environmental impact of throwing away these disposable wipes, and not only through the toilet, those that we throw in the trash also pollute. That's why the British government has proposed prohibit its use by 25 years ... and the parents have gone mad.

Not without my wipes

The Department of Environment of the British government (Defra) has decided to include the disposable wipes in the section of "avoidable plastic waste" and include its progressive elimination in its environmental plan for the next 25 years. The reactions of parents who do not imagine a world without wipes have not been long in coming.

"I never thought I could get so angry about wanting to ban wet wipes in the UK," wrote one user on Twitter. "What are they going to turn into tissue paper? Friend, have you tried cleaning a baby's ass with a tissue?" Commented another indignant father on Facebook, and another added: "As a father I can tell you that it is an idea horrible. Wet wipes are literally God's gift to the world, they serve everything. "

A basic difficult to replace

Although it may be an exaggeration to say that they are a gift from the gods, the truth is that wet wipes are a staple for the parents of young children at home and, especially, when we go out.

And is that the wipes are not only worth to clean the babies. They have a thousand and one uses, such as removing stains on clothes, on the sofa, on walls or carpets, cleaning or removing the hair of pets ... With them you can clean toys, shoes and even give a quick passage to the bathroom if a visit appears Unexpected

On the street, what are we going to tell. Situations like eat a banana in the park or change a baby in a restaurant They can become a real nightmare if you don't have a wipe on hand.

Serious environmental problem

The widespread use of wet wipes (not only for children's use) has created a huge environmental problem worldwide, especially if we flush them down the toilet, since they collapse the sewer system and pollute the sea, even those that are advertised saying they are biodegradable, according to a study by the OCU.

According to this same report, the problem does not end if we throw them away:

None of the wipes tested degrades more than 5% after two months of use, when it should be done in 60% to be considered biodegradable. This situation is due to the fact that, in addition to cellulose, these products contain synthetic fibers and substances that permeate the tissue (preservatives, surfactants, moisturizers ...) that prevent their decomposition. The result translates into a real attack on the environment, as it has been shown that the wipes pass into the wastewater and end up polluting the ecosystems with microplastics.

Skin problems

In addition, some studies link the use of wipes with dermatitis problems in babies and there are many moms who only use them in specific situations and, at home, turn to the classic water + soap for your baby's hygiene.

However, to be honest, few parents would totally dispense with the use of this product so helped without mounting in anger, as has happened to British parents. There goes the question to the companies that manufacture wipes: when are some environmentally friendly wipes?

Via Independent

In Babies and more A study links the use of baby wet wipes with allergic dermatitis, why mothers can't live without cleaning wipes

Video: Gag Concert. 개그콘서트 (July 2024).