Premature baby, what steps to take?

The moment a premature baby leaves the hospital, the responsibility passes to the parents. It is so small that the fear of something happening to it is even more pronounced.

We must have a series of precautions Which are important. It is convenient to place the baby in a bassinet so that he perceives the limits of the space much better, having to be next to the paternal bed, so one of the parents can hear his breathing and observe him from time to time, changing his position if he sees that he is not comfortable .

It is preferable that the clothes you use, both yours and the crib, are made of natural fabrics such as cotton. When we dress it, we must be guided by our own sensation of heat or cold so as not to overdo it with clothes.

The premature babies they are more predisposed to the spread of possible diseases, especially respiratory diseases, since their lungs are not mature enough. It is preferable that you do not live with pets. We must also clean your room with a water vacuum cleaner and do not use any chemicals. Remember to ventilate the room for at least 20 minutes when the baby is not in it.

And above all consult the pediatrician if you see that he loses weight, is reluctant, has a rash, vomits or has a fever. Give him a lot of love and affection, since this way you favor his recovery and his physical development.

Video: A Preemie's Baby Steps Toward Health. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).