Are morning deliveries more complicated?

Did you know Women who give birth during the morning are more likely to have a difficult birth that those whose births occur during the night? I just found out and I found it a very curious statistic.

According to a study by the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, women whose deliveries occurred between 10 am and 10 pm needed more medication and more use of forceps than those who gave birth at night. Other techniques such as vacuum extraction and caesarean sections are also practiced more frequently during the morning.

This is due to the fact that during the first hours of the day the pressures increase on doctors and hospital staff to end patients soon, as they must see others. In addition, doctors perform fewer natural deliveries when the hospital is crowded with people attending the consultations. To perform this statistic, 37,000 medical records of women who gave birth in 25 public hospitals in the United States between 1994 and 1997 have been examined.

It will be a matter of asking the professionals who attend deliveries how much of a truth there is in this statistic, right?

Video: Woman Gives Birth In Her Bed In The Middle Of The Night! I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant (July 2024).