The nausea, could they be psychological?

It is very common for women to feel sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy and the physiological and psychological theories About the causes of this discomfort.

Although the exact reason is not determined, they could be caused by a high level of the hormone gonadotropin, which is produced high in the first weeks of pregnancy to ensure the proper development of pregnancy and tends to decrease, most of the time, After the third or fourth month. If it is due to a general cause, why do some women have nausea and others do not? Why do some suffer the first trimester and others throughout pregnancy? Why do some even feel them and others get to vomit several times a day?

It is also believed that they could be due to a kind of emotional stress, a psychological mechanism unconscious (or not) of fear of pregnancy, insecurity about the new state or as a way of demanding attention. Another theory indicates that they may be related to increased sense of smell during pregnancy. Supporting the psychological theory, it is a fact that nausea is more common in first-time mothers, while sometimes they do not appear again in the following pregnancies. It could also be because, before a second or third pregnancy, the body is already accustomed to hormonal changes.

Anyway, whatever the cause, the truth is that they are very annoying. They usually appear in the morning after a long fast, although in some cases they can last all day or even appear in the afternoon. As the grandmothers advise, the best remedy is to eat a cookie just wake up and avoid liquids early in the day. Maintaining a diet high in carbohydrates and low in fat can help reduce them, as well as eating small amounts of food frequently. Rest, sleep well and avoid sudden changes in position are good steps to follow.

If, despite changing habits, the nausea does not go away or becomes uncontrollable, tell your doctor who will tell you what to do.

Video: Anxiety and Nausea all the Time? Try this! (July 2024).