Bottle caries

The first cause of tooth decay in babies is the bottle caries. Children who allow them to go all day with the bottle, those who take it to bed, or those who enjoy the pacifier sweetened in honey, sugar ... are the most affected.

Cavities may appear since the first tooth comes out, but it may not be perceived until the baby turns one year old. The first appreciative sign that your baby may have bottle caries are white spots that usually appear mainly in the upper incisors.

Sugar from liquids in prolonged contact with teeth causes tooth decay. If the child is constantly taking a bottle or left at night because it is the only way to fall asleep, the sugar stays in the teeth and then the bacteria that usually reside in the mouth, convert the sugar into acid. This acid gradually dissolves the enamel, which in the case of baby teeth, are of a density less than an eggshell, and that is where decay begins. To avoid infant caries, it is advisable not to leave the baby bottle as a toy and have it with him all day, and if he has this habit, fill it with water, because it does not cause damage to the teeth and will help the child Set aside the bottle a little, as it is not as tasty as a bottle of milk.

It is also not advisable to allow the child to sleep with the bottle, because in addition to falling asleep without having cleaned the teeth, it is the most common cause of bottle dependence, including that this custom can cause sleep problems, since the routine will cause the child to wait Baby bottle always, before sleeping.

After six months, start drinking in a glass, your child will not leave the bottle voluntarily, and you will insert it, the less dependence the bottle will have.

After each shot and from time to time, between hours, clean your child's gums with a gauze or cloth with water, but if you already have all the teeth, you can use a toothbrush appropriate to your age.

If you see that your baby has those white spots or changes the tone of the teeth visit the specialist, take this problem on time, you can prevent future dental problems.

Video: Nursing bottle caries (July 2024).