Change the position of the fetus

It is possible for a child to come from the buttocks and the question would be, can the position of the fetus be changed? Yes, there is a technique called external cephalic version that consists in turning the fetus by pushing the head and the buttocks upside down , the most suitable position for delivery.

This technique is performed from the outside, palpating on the mother's gut between week 36 and 38 although there are cases in which it has been performed in subsequent weeks, in 50% of cases, the baby is rotated. This technique was used mostly in the 60s and 70s of the last century but today, there are very few obstetricians who practice change the position of the fetus. This technique is only practiced when there are a number of conditions, that there is enough amniotic fluid, that there is no fetal distress and that, in addition, there are no causes that advise against vaginal delivery. During the procedure of this technique the mother may feel a slight pain, but according to the specialists, it is bearable without anesthesia.

Anyway, this technique has fallen into disuse since gynecologists do not recommend it for possible serious complications that may arise, such as a placental abruption, etc. At the moment it has not been proven that this technique is harmless and when in doubt, prevention is better. In addition, there are reports indicating that there is an increase in perinatal mortality associated with this technique.

Video: Different Baby Positions During Pregnancy (July 2024).