The Air New Zealand airline launches seats that allow children to sleep with their parents on their planes

The idea is totally sensational. As a tireless traveler and of course also with my children, from very young, I have to admit that many long plane trips have been a little torture (or very torture): that if they did not take the position, they were trying to take off the belt to get on of me while the warning to buckle them was on, the bad mood for the dream ...

Hence my pleasant surprise when I read in Diario del Viajero that the airline Air New Zeland had announced in March the creation of the seat Skycouch It is a row of three tourist seats that become a bed with its harnesses and belts to ensure safety during the flight, however long it may be. In addition, it is not a business service so prices do not skyrocket. The tweet already has more than 12,000 likes!

Being a completely flat surface it turns out perfect to be able to lie down and sleep or just to be sitting enjoying more space. The combinations to the taste of the consumer: the mother or the father sitting and the two children lying down, the mother sleeping with her baby on her side in her own carrycot with harnesses or the mother sitting with the feet extended and playing with her son.

Check out the photos provided by the company and think about how you would go if you plan to fly with Air New Zealand. Meanwhile, we can only ask the rest of the airlines to include these types of seats.

The welcome would be fantastic. Just have to take a look at some of the comments made by the privileged families that have already tried them since they were offered only a few days ago. Although as you will see there are opinions for all tastes.

Making long haul with kids that little bit easier #Skycouch #AirNZExperience Lily Lin

Via and photos Air New Zealand

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Video: Honest Airline Commercial (July 2024).