Haptonomy, the science of affectivity

The word may sound a little strange. It comes from the conjunction of the classical Greek terms "hapsis" that designates touch, meaning, feeling, and "nomos" that designates the law, the rule, the norm. Hapto means: I tactically establish a relationship, a tactile contact.

Haptonomy is the science of interactions and human relationships And it has multiple applications. One of them is the pre and postnatal accompaniment of the baby, a maturation of the emotional relationship between the father, the mother and the child.

It favors the ties of parentality, the reception of the child and the opening to life. It allows a psychological, affective and psychomotor maturation. It is not a method of preparation for childbirth but for enrichment of emotional ties, although in many cases it is the method used by other techniques widely used in childbirth preparation centers.

According to experts, it is from the fifth month when your little one notices it. It provides tranquility and security, two fundamental factors for pregnancy to develop in harmony and inner well-being.

Meetings between the baby and the parents are held in sessions every two to three weeks, although at home parents should contact the baby daily for five to ten minutes. After delivery, sessions continue until one year of age to complete the integral maturation of the baby.

Video: L'affectivité est-elle un obstacle à la connaissance de soi et du monde ?, Christophe Meignant (July 2024).