Three million children die each year during the last trimester of pregnancy

Nothing less than three million children die a year during the last trimester of pregnancy, the most alarming thing that emerges from the news is that most of these deaths could be avoided, since one of the main causes of this mortality is the lack of care during pregnancy.

99% of these deaths occur in underdeveloped countries, the rest in developed countries. This remarkably shows the lack of help and means that future mothers in these countries suffer. It is nice to talk about positive things, great scientific or health achievements for children, but we must also capture the harsh reality, it is the way that we can all become aware of the situation of many future moms who expect their child with joy.

The Lancet magazine has published one of the few studies that put numbers to a mortality that refers to children who do not end up being born. Apparently, this figure is far from the indicators we have for the supply of children's health. According to a report by researchers at the John Hopkins University (USA) and the Saving Newborn Lives Initiative, 99% of deaths occur in developing regions and, above all, these deaths are concentrated in countries like China, India or Pakistan among others. These unfortunate outcomes could be avoided with a little help from developed countries. In the words of those responsible for the study, Joy Lawn and Cindy Stanton, "The invisibility of the data contributes to inaction and that no measures are taken, capable of preventing deaths that are mostly avoidable."

This shows that they only performed statistics based on infant deaths of children born discarding the unborn. Although some effort has been made lately to alleviate this situation, there are still few and a greater technical, logistic and sanitary contribution is necessary among many other necessary contributions.

Awareness is important, according to what little we can do, but a grain of sand together with thousands, form the useful mountain to improve children's health in the third world.

Video: Third Trimester Pregnancy Showcase. Super Pregnant Yogini About to Pop (July 2024).