Video games can be beneficial for children with proper use

According to the pedagogue and child psychotherapist Nazaret Grijalva of the Comprehensive Center for Child Development and Therapy (CIDE), it is very important and fundamental that parents know what types of games their children use and more specifically video games. According to Nazareth, some video games can be beneficial for children as long as they are used properly.

In an interview conducted by the newspaper La Rioja, the pedagogue explains that video games are not negative and failing that they can be beneficial, we talk about video games that develop beneficial skills such as logic, strategy or ingenuity. The expert also tells us that this type of videogames enables the development of team activities, something very important where such important aspects as sociability or relationship with others influence.

We have all heard about the negative effects that video games can produce in children and that everything has its right measure, there is a time for everything and it is necessary to respect that time. A video game can be beneficial, but abusing it can also encourage other negative aspects such as sedentary lifestyle, overweight, etc. We can also talk about video games that directly or indirectly encourage violent attitudes and that directly influence the emotional development of children by altering their behavior.

The teacher advises parents to talk with their children about the video games they like and even share with them a little entertainment with these games. And, as we have repeated on successive occasions, it is important to share moments of play with our children, this enhances communication, trust and good harmony within the family.

Parents have the task of supervising that our children grow and develop properly and that they use the appropriate tools to do so, to ignore what they play is to ignore them.

Video: Your brain on video games. Daphne Bavelier (July 2024).