Smile Baby video game console for babies from 1 to 3 years old

We have seen a new game console announced to connect to the television that they advise for children from 1 to 3 years, the truth, it has surprised us a little.

It's about the new Game console Smile Baby, which according to the company Vtech is designed to stimulate the intelligence of children thanks to the three modes of evolutionary play, ideal to accompany the baby in the stages of its development.

On many occasions we have talked about the problems caused by television, video consoles, etc., it is not that we say that this game can not be interesting and instructive, on the contrary, it can be, but you have to be very careful with the time you spend and educate from the beginning on the habits that should be had with this type of games. The game can be used without television becoming a panel of activities that stimulate your sensory and motor skills, this would be the first stage and would start when the child is one year old.

As the child grows and acquires skills, we can use the toy in its second mode through which the child discovers animals, shapes, images on television. Finally, the last option of the game would be an interaction between the child and the game, by pressing a button the game console provides an answer.

Our advice, everything is adequate as long as it is used to the appropriate extent, that this game is not an excuse to entertain the child for hours and have more time to do other things.

Video: Review of VTech V. Smile Baby Early Developement Video Game System (May 2024).