Perform a perineal massage to improve labor conditions

There is a lot of information that tells us the benefits that are acquired by perform a perineal massageThanks to this massage, a greater elasticity is achieved, which will help so that when the happy event arrives, episiotomy and various problems caused after childbirth can be avoided.

It is shown that thanks to this massage the number of episiotomies performed during childbirth is reduced up to 15%. A study prepared by the United States Center for the Advancement of Health to 2,434 women indicates this. Women who underwent perineal massage showed less pain during childbirth, had a minor episiotomy and in some cases it was not necessary to perform it. A perineal massage is a beneficial action that strengthens the area of ​​the perineum preparing it for childbirth. But how is it done? After bathing, with the help of a moisturizer you should massage the perineal area by pressing it, after a few minutes, the index finger must be inserted into the vagina and also perform another massage. Then try to tighten the vagina to see if you can get it well.

It is important that the muscles that are in the vaginal and anal area have the necessary elasticity that will allow you to free yourself from a possible episiotomy. Remember to start this massage at least a couple of months before delivery, combining the perineal massage and Kegel exercises, you can possibly get rid of it. In the Doyma link, they show how a perineal massage is performed.

Video: Vaginal Tearing - How to Avoid Tearing, Perineal Massage and More! (July 2024).