Pregnancy and childbirth is not just women's thing

There are still men who are anchored in the past, with a traditional mentality, inherited from their parents and we could even say with a clearly macho behavior, since they affirm that pregnancy or childbirth are only women's issues. In a society like ours these statements should already be banished, is something we do not understand.

The ideal person to accompany a future mother about to give birth is her partner, no other person should replace that role, mothers, mother-in-law or grandmothers can be important people to accompany the pregnant woman during those moments, however, they will never contribute what the couple can contribute, participant of the fruit of the processed love. The couple is the most suitable person for the future mother to feel good, her words and feelings are different from those that any other family member could give. We do not talk about cases where the future dad can get dizzy or even feel fear, we talk about sexist behaviors that cause pain in future moms. If you are pregnant and you find yourself in this case, the best thing you can do is try to talk with your partner and explain how important it is that you are by your side during childbirth, your company is enough for you to be calm, calm and protected.

Surely he can banish his retrograde thoughts and accompany you in those moments so full of feeling.