Emotional disorders in children 3 to 6 years old

Many of the problems and disorders that adults suffer are spreading throughout the child population, you just have to take a look at the numerous studies that associate diseases and psychological problems with young children.

Today we know a study prepared by the Autonomous University of Barcelona that shows us how far stress, anxiety and other emotional disorders can reach in the little ones. The study was based on information provided by parents and teachers of a thousand preschoolers, the results showed that up to 30% of children between 3 and 6 years already had symptoms of a psychopathological disorder, 20% were at risk of anxiety and 3% of children already suffered anxiety. Curiously, the study makes a review that indicates that it is the teachers who detect the greatest number of cases, instead of the parents themselves. Current problems have a significant influence on the psychological state of children, such as the separation of parents, fears or social phobias. The study also indicates that it is enough to change the relations of coexistence and the environment so that children do not suffer from these diseases characteristic of the elderly.

They are children too young to suffer this type of problem, parents should not overprotect children, but neither ignore them for the situations they live, the responsibility for their development is ours and in us there is the work to be done so that our Children grow up in a healthy environment and allow them to grow as they are, children.

Video: The 3 Stages of Emotional Child Development (July 2024).