Leonor doll is sold out

The Alicante toy company Muñecas Berenguer, markets a doll that has become the "queen" of Christmas, it is the Leonor doll, of which there are no more stocks in the toy stores.

The creators of this doll affirm that the surprising resemblance to the daughter of the princes of Asturias is mere coincidence. They created several molds of dolls to renew their catalog and it was in those days that the Infanta Leonor was born and some component of the company said that a doll resembled the newborn, so they decided to improve it and create the Leonor doll. Only about 7,000 dolls have been made with four different dresses, with pajamas, bathrobe, street dress and christening gown. Its creators affirm that it has a special texture and an excellent unconfessable aroma. They claim that it is a collectible doll, hence the small circulation they have made of it, and as such, its price is around 66 euros.

It weighs about 2.5 kilos and measures almost half a meter. It is a very "real" newborn doll. Would your cousins ​​have asked for it this Christmas?

We do not know if the flute sounded or not, what is clear is that girls who want a Leonor doll and have not asked for it in an early letter to the Magi, will have to wait for next year.

Video: Work in Progress! Reborn Leonor & Mini Kate (July 2024).