"Eventually, I had to give in," the message from a mother that reminds us that it's okay to ask for help

Being a mother is synonymous with being a woman who runs multiple professions and is in charge of many important responsibilities, starting with the greatest of all: the lives of our children. It is a job that gives us many joys, but at the same time it can leave us exhausted.

But despite what many people make us believe, moms alone can not with everything, this is just the message that a mother shares, who reminds us that it's okay to ask for help.

What does a mother do all day? Well, practically everything. Our work starts from the moment we open our eyes upon waking and we begin to think about everything we will do during the day, until we put our head back on the pillow at night and mentally review all the earrings we have left to do.

According to a report we shared a long time ago, mothers work 98 hours a week, in 14 hours daily. Of course, it is normal for us to be exhausted most of the time!

Now, the "problem" is not really that we work so hard, whether we are tired or not, there are things that must be done and we cannot leave them like that without more. But there is something we can do, and yet we avoid it: ask for help.

Somehow they have made us believe (or even ourselves we have put that idea in our heads) that mothers can and should do it all alone, when it's not really like that. And it is not, for the simple fact that we are human and not superwoman.

But why is it so hard for us to accept that we need help and talk to others to ask for it? Through a post on the Humans of New York Facebook page, a mother shares a little reflection on this, and reminds us that it doesn't make us less mothers to need help from others.

It is so difficult to ask for help. Because you're supposed to be "mom." And you never want to say: I need help being a mom. "I carried this little person for nine months. I knew she would come. I felt that I should be able to handle her and I didn't want to ask other people to stop her life. Especially if they didn't have to see in the creation of this baby, but eventually I had to give in. I am just one person and being "Mom" 24/7 can make you go crazy. I found myself frustrating myself because other people kept going with their lives. I let things get worse And that was not healthy for my relationships. I let things get hot with my mother and my boyfriend. Instead of starting with "Can you help me?", I lost my mind and went straight to "Why aren't you Helping?".

The feeling of this mother is one with which many mothers have identified. And it is that moms tend to be "in charge", the one that takes control and monitoring of everything at home and in the life of the family. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't ask for help.

The job of forming a family is something we should all take part in, and although it is true that there are certain specific activities that only a mother can do, such as breastfeeding, there are many things in which others can help.

So do not think that you will be less capable, less strong or less mother for not being able to do everything. No one can and we all occasionally need someone to give us a hand. Don't be afraid to ask for help, you're a mom and you're human.