Child exploitation, a documentary of the 2 in TV Documents

Tomorrow Spanish citizens will have the opportunity to see in The Spanish Television 2 an interesting documentary about child exploitation. In this documentary they will discuss various personal stories of children who have lost their childhood working in different parts of the planet, whether they are collecting coffee, working as miners, extracting coal or being prostituted.

This is a dramatic documentary that attempts to reflect a sample of the harsh reality suffered by almost 246 million children worldwide, these children have lost the right to play, to study ... in short, to be happy and forced to work for the situation they are in, especially that of poverty. Thousands of "people" take advantage of this poverty to enrich themselves at their expense, from the small entrepreneur to the large multinationals they are reflected in the documentary, showing how without prejudice, without compassion and with large doses of ambition they deny childhood to these little ones.

Claiming a more notorious presence of international organizations in these countries to avoid this harsh reality, not accepting any product made by countries where child exploitation is most noticeable until they end these "crimes", are some of the possible weapons that could be used If you can, do not forget to watch the documentary, in it we can know what the consequences of allowing this practice may be.

The Documentary is broadcast tomorrow, 30th at 10:30 pm in the Documents TV space that is broadcast on La 2. We would like you to share with us your point of view on the documentary and the conclusion you have reached.

Video: Abuse documentary: Alex Renton explains his experience of child abuse at boarding school (May 2024).