Chubby does not mean healthy

One of the latest news in books for parents is the work of Claudia González, pediatric nutritionist and Lourdes Alcañiz, a journalist specializing in health, about childhood obesity and how to teach our children to eat healthy.

It comes to ruin the popular belief that still persists in many of us that a plump child is a well fed child.

Before it was believed that a chubby child would later "give the stretch" and excess fat would be left behind, but the lifestyle we live in today leads us to believe that it is very likely that a chubby baby will be an obese adult in the future .

The authors propose practical advice and solutions to detect and prevent poor diet from birth to adolescence.

How to instill in our children good eating habits and how to educate them to follow a proper diet with small tricks to eat more fruit and vegetables and less fat.

The book opens our eyes to the worrying issue of childhood obesity, a phenomenon we are experiencing and that has come to be considered the epidemic of the century.

To learn more about the book you can read its first chapter and an interview with one of the authors.

Grijalbo Editorial | ISBN: 8425340837 | 368 pgs | 14.90 euros

Video: What BMI doesn't tell you about your health (July 2024).